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Re: Birth certificate and the like aside - there are bigger Obama concerns
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Re: Birth certificate and the like aside - there are bigger Obama concerns

Issues are debated as they arise! Nothing you have said or what the article stated is news, these issues have all been hashed out or attempts to have a decent discussion about them many times ! The Issues with Obamas non compliance is at the forefront in particular because of legal timing and Obamas lack of cooperation, many Im sure can not believe that Obama is not constitutionally qualified because it goes beyond reason that he has come as far as he has without having proven his qualifications! It also goes beyond good common sense to not release all necessary documentation!
I believe you also underestimate Obamas capacity in another sense and that is not in how well he can run the country but the capacity he has to damage the country with his racist marxist goal of morphing socialism into state fascism!
You underestimate the hate that the mainstream media and our leftist intellectual elites who control the hallowed halls of our higher learning institutions!
The article EGO and Mouth is naive in its own concerns, ego and a sick sense of power is not a only a sophmoric trait but one of a despot such as a Hitler or Stalin, but these things have all been put forth if one where paying attention!
His ideology is utmost in my concerns as is his lack of understanding reality in his unrealistic promises! Just how does one increase spending and lower taxes????
His ideology and the constitutional issue are one in the same and when Obama tells us the constitution is a document of negatives and is lacking in consideration for redistribution of wealth is clearly a marxist ploy to cancel out the real intent and pupose of constitution!
yah yah Bush and company abused the constitution to get their dirty little war but Obama's intent is to diminish the rights of American citizens and revise it through idealogical judicial appointments!
Obama beleives the Constitution is a living document and one to be interpreted idealogically, purely a maxist concept!



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