I was looking at the Klinghardt site yesterday-- I'm interested in getting books, and seem to absorb things better if I can read, and re-read things. I know there is plenty of information online.
He says with Lyme, oral magnesium doesn't work?
Which also reminds me of something I read in the Cutler book about magnesium. I hear of people doing Liver Flushes with the Epsom Salts , that when taking the E.S's, get bad diarrhea, and get weak. What Cutler says is interesting..I'll find the exact page, but he said that if you take magnesium under 600 mg, and it affects your bowels...you are magnesium deficient? Let me find it for sure...BRB
The longer I've been on the magnesium daily, consistently- the less the espom salts affect me like that. (?)