Lives ad cauchy3
Lives and cauchy3….
Geomancy wills are dribble thrown.
Xavier-s Japan spins my crowns.
Anaglyph gets the reliefs in low.’
Gleaning groups are all in loops.
Manifest feasts are all so joys.
Glencoe killing Macdonald go.
FOUNDRESS forms the working fonts.
Cabalism rules over our horns.
Foodstuffs fool the foolish spoons.
Nitrous oxides permitted are tools.
Vacancy breaches are going out.
Breakaway ions are photon hours.
MISHNA all and TALMUD noted.
CENTIFOLA Rosa has all to toss.
Genealogy forms our guides in sexes.
Physical published got to sell.
Bimetallism gets the codes of laws.
Binary revolved alike our stars.
Materialism truths are binary codes.
Motherly cares related to cores.
----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------