Hi Nekota. When you were diagnosed with PTC, did the Dr.'s perscribe you a medication? What medication, and how much? Did you have the severe fatigue before you started the meds? If you were perscribed acetezolamide, it's possible that it's causing the fatigue. It's a strong diuretic and you need to make sure that your electrolytes are balanced. The medication depletes your body of electrolytes. I drink LOTS of water and gatorade. You should also be sure that your Dr. is monitoring your liver and kidney function regularly. (they do this through blood draw)I would recommend that you keep a journal of your symptoms. Times, severity, and what may have triggered them. It's quite possible that your fatigue is due to you simply being dehydrated. Water and liquids are key when taking acetezolamide. As far as not being able to get many answers from your Dr., you're not alone. This condition has not be widely researched. Treatments are minimum. You should take as much time as you have and research the internet about PTC. It will help you better understand what you are going through, and how to communicate with your doc. Other known names which you will find more info under, are Intracranial hypertension, benign intracranial hypertension, and idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Best of luck to you, and I hope you get some answers.