17 y
This is What I Found...
After doing a search for 'Democrat' here is what came up.
The Democratic Party is one of failure. This is proven by the losing streaks of Dukakis, Gore, and Kerry (aka Lurch), who lost by the largest landslide in voter history.
The Democratic Party shamefully supports the shredding of votes by overturning them in courts. They embrace small elitist panels of judges who arrogantly overturn the wishes of millions of citizens.
The Democratic Party embraces weakness by openly denigrating our soldiers who are in combat. At every turn it seeks to degrade the military - the greatest military of any contemporary times.
The Democratic Party supports candidates that openly call her citizens racists, and rednecks, like Rep Murtha. The Democratic Party seeks to raise taxes and further weaken the nation by grabbing the earnings of hard working Americans so as to benefit itself and increase its own power.
Te Democratic Party openly supports the destruction of marriage as defined historically from the beginning of time, and for which there is no precedent in nature. It supports nihilism because a marriage between two men cannot reproduce naturally and in its anger it thrusts upon others laws that are abominations.
The Democratic Party is repudiated by patriots who love their God and country, who do not throw their medals away, and who support our nations motto - which is "In God We Trust".