Re: Girlfriends cousin is dying of Stomach Cancer
Rodney, I can sympathize with you 100%...we know someone who's daughter was very ill, almost died twice, who we felt could really benefit from
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . Her father had tried it previously, but overdid it (ie. too fast) and quit after getting diahrrea and vomitting. We told him that we really felt it could help save his daughter's life, but he and his ex-wife were too scared to go against the doctors' advice. Almost two months later, when yet another doctor was introduced to the case to try to diagnose her condition, our friend asked us if we would speak to the new doctor, who seemed to be more open to alternative treatments. The doctor never contacted us. After several months, the doctors finally decided that she must have leukemia, and started chemotherapy. She is barely hanging on, at 16 years of age. We have found it so frustrating, knowing that
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement could make the difference in saving her life.
The point of all of this was that hopefully, your friend's cousin will be open to trying
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and that the doctors can be openminded enough to try it. If they are not, try finding an alternative type of doctor in your community who has heard of MMS and who could either write or speak with the doctors treating the ill woman. I don't know where you live, but some pockets of the States have alot of doctors who are now trying MMS with their patients. Ideally, if you find a doctor who understands how MMS works, maybe they can best advise on which course of action to take (ie. beating cancer overnight vs. another MMS regimen). My thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend, I hope you can find a way to help her. I agree that sometimes, things happen at the exact time they are meant to, and you may, indeed, be here to help your friend's cousin. Best of luck from Canada.