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Re: The Hill Buzz Babes...
Dquixote1217 Views: 1,203
Published: 17 y
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Re: The Hill Buzz Babes...

Actually I can easily see such an internet misinformation campaign (or campaigns) being conducted.  It is a tried and true technique and one has only to look at what the huckster Kevin Trudeau and his operation have done to infiltrate forum and create fake forums to push his books and schemes.  Or for that matter look at forums here such as the Vaccination Debate forum where mainstream medicine trolls have worked in the past.

The biggest question I have about the message in your post is the part about Sarah Palin. I have no doubt that there was initial fear, but it hardly needed a team working round the clock to make her out as a clueless fool.  All it took was her opening her mouth.

Face it - choosing her was a disaster.  It helped shoot down McCain's legitimate argument against Obama's lack of experience when they picked a hockey mom from Alaska to be the VP behind a man who stood a significant chance of not finishing his term - and the initial buzz was gone in only a couple of weeks.  It was so bad it made me believe that it was a deliberate move to insure McCain would not win.  The same as I believe that the orders, wherever they came from, to make the issue of Obama's 20 year association with the racist Reverend Wright and the issue of his birth certificate off limits for the McCain campaign.

Now I see that belatedly a Swift Boat type group is going to buy millions in national advertising to run TV ads highlighting the Obama-Wright connection.  Coming this late after the issue was left untouched by the official campaign may backfire.  It SHOULD have been an issue from day one, if they wanted to win.  And so should a copy of the real original birth certificate and college records.

In a genuine election, the man who is to be President should be an open book.  It just shows what a farce the whole thing really is.




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