Odd, yes, that people still fall for this nonsense
"It's time to revisit the nationality of Barack Obama. The senator's paternal grandmother says she was present in the delivery room at his birth-in Kenya. At least that is the claim of Pennsylvania lawyer Philip J. Berg."
So who is Philip J. Berg? He's a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania; former candidate for Governor and U.S. Senate in Democratic Primaries; former Chair of the Democratic Party in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania; former member of the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee; an attorney with offices in Montgomery County, PA and an active practice in Philadelphia, PA. In 2005 he was fined and sanctioned $10,000 for having committed a "laundry list of unethical actions."
""Other attorneys should look to Mr. Berg's actions as a blueprint for what not to do when attempting to effectively and honorably perform the duties of the legal profession," Joyner wrote.
"This court has grown weary of Mr. Berg's continuous and brazen disrespect toward this court and his own clients. Mr. Berg's actions ... are an enormous waste of judicial time and resources that this court cannot, in good conscience, allow to go unpunished," Joyner wrote."
He's also a 9/11 "truther" and Clinton "supporter" who has been making weird claims and demands against Sen. Obama for a while. Such as:
25 March - Mr. Berg posted a letter demanding that Sen. Obama drop out of the race due to "Association With Reverend Wright".
"Please, do the right thing for the Democratic Party and our country that you say you love so much and withdraw your candidacy for President. It is the right thing to do !"
28 June - he posted a press release about the on-line petition to demand the superdelegates "Nominate the Candidate that can Win in November 2008 - Hillary Clinton", which includes a laundry list of PUMA/JSND slurs and favourite targets.
"The essence of the Petition is that Obama is not the person he has portrayed to the electorate; a candidate without depth or experience; one with associations with questionable persons; one whose gaffes are numerous and embarrassing; one whose platform leaves a lot to be desired; and credibility is an issue with his recent "Flip-Flops;" and his wife has raised issues that are a real concern.
The Democrats can only win in November 2008 with Hillary Clinton, a dynamic leader who has been totally vetted; who won the majority of popular vote and won the big states. "
6 August - He signed the on-line petition by "conservative libertarian" Mitchell Langbert demanding the FEC investigate Sen. Obama's birth certificate and citizenship, (signature #5450, "Obama must be "vetted" before the DNC in Denver. Obama is not qualified to be President and therefore, the DNC should nominate HILLARY CLINTON").
I think one can argue that Mr. Berg is a bit....unhinged about Sen. Obama.