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Rush Limbaugh?
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Rush Limbaugh?

Rush Limbaugh is a media whore paid by the Rothschilds/Rockefellers to keep the two party fight up front and center stage. His influence and Rothschild's power come from the dumbed down sheeple masses who can't get their train of thought past two option group think of us/them black/white conservative/liberal democrat/republican good/evil god/science.

Ever wonder why Conservative radio is so much more successful than liberal radio? Because conservatives need to be told what to think, and they can be easily controlled with mythology, hate, and stupid topics like hypnosis. Speaks volumes of his listening base.

Hence the hypocritical nature of those like Rush Limbaugh. When they want to get away with something, they blame the other side first for doing the exact same thing.

And no, I am not for Obama.


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