Socialism for Dummies...
Here are two scenarios for illustration purposes and borrowed from the internet...
Version I: This is how to explain socialism to a daughter who is five-and-a-half and in kindergarten.
She comes home from school and says they're going to vote for the president.
You ask, "Well, who you voting for?" And she says she's thinking about Obama.
“Well okay, let's sit down and let's explain the difference between the two candidates."
“This is Obama, what he wants to do. You're going trick-or-treating Friday for Halloween, right? And you're going to go out, you're going to go hit as many houses as you can so you can get candy."
"Now, when you come home, Obama is going to take half of your candy and give it to the girl next door," and she's looking, like, you can't be serious.
She's like, "Is that right?"
You said, "That's exactly what's going to happen," and she's looking at you, and she goes, "That's not right," and you say "exactly."
That's what's going to happen when Obama becomes president, if he becomes president.
Version II:
You are handing out candy on Halloween. Obama rings the bell on your door.
He says, "Since you have enough money to be handing out candy, I'm here to take your 401(k). Trick-or-treat."