Weaves-science politics
Bigger bang will fix as settings.
Big in bang expanded as pony.
Worlds in pieces are weaves to get.
Matters weaves are coming plots.
Go to perfects get the math.
Worlds in whips as all are lashed.
Gods in apples all are butters.
Shop my faces all are cultures.
Trades in dark are rainy cats.
Buddha eats the judges in minds.
Lotus sectors go on winds.
Bonzes get relics to sell.
China leaders buy them all.
Gospels talks have pushing see.
All atoned are leader asked.
Acting Rome the orders caused.
Tommy cats are killed and taunted.
Dirty spots remorse than good.
Self fullness all are wounds.
Objects studied are truths in minds.
Weaves across the ways are life.
Matter weaves have charts and pies.
Gauges are fine and united units.
Objects all are near to weaves.
All in gauges are each by each.
Photo images all are masses.
Donkey shows are donkey asses.
-----------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3----------