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why don't you re-phrase..."calling out all common sense conservatives"!
John McCain 2008 Views: 1,797
Published: 17 y
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why don't you re-phrase..."calling out all common sense conservatives"!

You give us this "how many years have you been beating your wife" setup, typical for libs, and think that scares the intelligent conservative? Please, you embarass yourself. John McCain 2008 is afraid of no one, that includes you, little poster. If I were in your physical presence you would wet your pants in awe and respect. Hide, little one, hide behind your keyboard and monitor and call us "racists" front and center. The term "racist" means nothing. Use it all you want, simpleton, we into truth brush it off like an annoying gadfly needing a swat as we continue on our path. You have used the term much too much and cried "Wolf" one too many times. The term, as it is currently used by a badge of honor!


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