Re: What should I eat, doc or anyone answer please??
The first rule of nutrition is: Stop poisoning yourself. You've done a great job of that - Congrats.
Here's my regular diet. Breakfast: One slice of toasted Sprouted Grain Bread (Ezekial, comes in an orange wrapper). Real butter and cinnamon on it. I snack on, grapes, oranges, raisons, or some other fruit while working throughout the morning. I also have some licorice or ginger snacks to enjoy. For lunch it's half a sandwich on rye bread. Ham or Roast beef and a slice of tomato and a pickle spear. Wash that down with fruit juice. Or I'll have a couple of eggs on Sprouted Grain bread. A half cup of ginger tea with a bit of honey in it after lunch. Then a half hour nap. Dinner is a variable and I don't follow any set dogma. I love Buffalo wings with the cheyenne pepper sauce. Or I'll have chicken, or ribs, or pizza, with some coleslaw or potato salad, whatever I'm hungry for. I precede my dinner with fruit. Lately it's been grapes, but oranges, pineapple, mellon, whatever I'm hungry for. I also eat the lunchmeats and sausages. They're made with organ meats. If I snack before bed it's popcorn with real butter and seasalt. Obviously I've discovered my body runs best on fruits, Proteins and good fats.
While going through the cleansing process I didn't crave much of the heavy stuff, not even bread. So I went with the fruits and veggies. I've wore out at least two juicers but don't juice at all now.
The important thing is stop poisoning yourself and you've done that. And Subway is better than most of the fast food joints.
Whatever you eat put love into it. That's a secret nobody in the nutrition world says much about. A burger from a top chef will actually do your body some good because he loves his work and takes pride in giving you the best burger you'll ever have. As compared to the fast food of McDonalds or one of those places where the cook doesn't care. My mother was a great cook because she loved feeding her kids.
In general go with sprouted grains, fruits and raw veggies. Buy a juicer and try some of the great recipes out there. My favorite was carrots, spinach and parsnips. But there's all kinds of great recipes out there.
Cook with olive oil or butter.
Drink distilled water for the rest of your life and take some olive oil every day. Anthing lemon is good too.
But again, the big thing is stop poisoning yourself. Once that is done the body gets to work cleaning you out automatically.
I don't suggest whole grains because the husk of the grain has digestive inhibitors in it. And whole grain includes the husk. But whole grain is better than anything the processed crap can give you. Thus the granola isn't all that bad.
Being healthy does NOT require being a health nut. Just got to learn what a body runs best on and no more poisons.
The discovery process can be pretty fun. Believe it or not the good food is much more tasty and satisfying that all the junk food. I still have a weakness for Makinaw Island Fudge Ice Cream and potato chips though. Which I do indeed enjoy in the Summertime.
So, make it fun. The bad stuff is behind you now and if you watch any of those food shows on TV with the top chefs in the world you'll notice they all use good homegrown foods and plenty of herbs and spices.
The world of good nutrition is a whole new world to you but you'll find it so much more satisfying and a lot more fun that the fast food world. And it makes you feel good, keeps you young.