I'm not going to defend what RB said regarding bringing on a Great Depression in order to stop the flow of illegals into this Country. I consider myself liberal and probably side with you on the majority of issues, but ultimately RB is right in his determination to deal with the illegal problem. To me it is one for the greatest problems America faces. 99% of illegals are hardworking, honest people just trying to create a better life for themsleves and their families, and I don't blame them for coming here. I blame the US politicians. Republicans love the cheap labor and the Democrats love the minority vote. Neither is looking out for our best interest on this issue. We live in very dangerous times and the fact our border is unsecured is criminal. The fact that an illegal can cross the border and give birth to an "American citizen" is beyond the absurd. There is a right way to come into this Country and a wrong way. There are plenty of potential immigrants waiting in line to come into this country legally, and they are being penalized. Again, I blame the politicians. The illegal question is not cut and dry. If we were to stop the flow in one fell swoop we we probably dessimate many industries, including our food supply. But it is a question that needs to be dealt with, and sooner rather then later.