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Re: Many questions for doc???
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Re: Many questions for doc???

Good questions.

Parasite eggs and lymphatic debris. The bright green stones are new stones the liver has made. The reason for the antiparasite products is to stop the production of new stones. The stone creation is the livers attempt to protect the rest of the body from the waste products the parasites secrete and the eggs of the parasites. So once the bugs are gone and getting gone no more stones will be created.

The bitters are good. Both Chinese and European but I would go with Barefoots Liver/gallbladder Balance. It has the necessary ingredients in it to literally rebuild the liver.

Yes, the fatigue is normal. First thing a body does when taking another step up the ladder of health is put you to sleep so it can heal. A good sign.

A teaspoon or tablespoon of olive oil every night before bed. Experiment to see what your body needs. Wash it down with fruit juice. Swallow both at the same time. Olive oil is pure liver food and goes a long way in the healing process of the liver. Do it the rest of your life.

Oh, only Organic olive oil. Sorry, but the store bought olive oil can have up to 50 percent corn oil in it and still be called olive oil. So go with Organic.

Doing good - carry on....



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