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News! Of interest to fans of Purinton's book about "the conquest fast"
chirontherainbowbridge Views: 2,138
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News! Of interest to fans of Purinton's book about "the conquest fast"

From the WV Keyser Tribune, Aug. 15, 1902

Morgantown W Va, Aug 9 - Dr Edward Earle Purington's thirty days fast came to an end yesterday. this morning at nine o'clock, he took a saucer of "Force" and cream and this afternoon at three he took an egg. He is well pleased with the results of his fast and ascertained many interesting things for his forth coming book.
Prof Purinton some days ago stated that he was beginning to get hungry after his long fast and thought he would eat with a good appetite at the end of his fast, but while he seemed to want to eat, a little satisfied him. He will eat little more for several days than he ate today and unless his theories change, will never eat (?) again.
It is a part of his theory and teachings that eating is responsible for many ills of the human race and that they can be cured by doing without food. His fast, just ended was to demonstrate the truth of his teachings.
During his fast, Dr Purinton lost several pounds of flesh but feels strong and healthy. His experiment was watched with interest by persons all over the country.

sort of exciting to go 'back there', isn't it? :-)

edit:I found this today in my 'ideas for writing' folder. I seem to recall Purinton saying he had no thoughts for writing during his fast, but afterwards, quite soon, wrote thirty poems. when I saved this piece, I'd never heard of Purinton, nor once considered water fasting.



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