Re: mms/ fungus / psoriasis
Hi there
My suggestion :
Don't use activated
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for candida, but try 1 or 2 drops non activated in your drinks (helping the immune system), and go for other alternative protocols like probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, garlic, iodine, silver etc.
If you insist on using
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , then you would better take a holiday for 2 weeks and be ready for shocking the system , and go for the 15 x 2 drops activated, daily for 2 weeks then stop and revamp on vit supplements and lots of yogurt and probiotics. Then go for another round when you feel better and if you had positive results.
If you have heart problems then DON'T use this protocol.
Be ready for lots of D and maybe some herx reactions.
But be careful if you can't handle it, stop immediately.
Once again I suggest not using
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for candida.
MMS is good for many other things. MMS can be good for cleansing and detoxing.
cheers and good luck