No problem with stepping in - 58008 has made my honorary "Do Not Reply" list anyway (a list of two now).
You are right that I support neither candidate because I think they are both beholden to the bailout elites,
However, I canot help but find a rather grim humor watching pick-and-choose Christians who like to quote the Bible to support their biases but ignore the parts that are in opposition to their decidedly un-Christian actions. The way I see it, the message of Christ in the New Testament is one of love and forgiveness and He embraced and nourished the least among us.
Somehow, I just don't see a lot of love, forgiveness or sympathy for the poor or minorities from one element on this forum and I am pretty sure that if Christ were around today that same group would label Him as a radical socialist liberal who was "not one of us" and derided for the crowd He associated with.