I have had no problem at all with Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (chlorine dioxide) after I had a detox purge. It just was not helping my symptoms; not hurting either. It might have been helping other things in my body; but all I care about are my bowels and my sinuses. It probably did kill the fungus. Maybe the fungus gave me Leaky Gut; and now I must work on that. I really think that Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is beneficial to so many ailments. It is antiseptic; like bile. Bile is the reason I wanted to try to improve my liver. The theory is that bile would keep my bowels moving; and even be as beneficial as Colloidal Silver or Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . It did not work to solve my symptoms. I do see chlorine dioxide in the same light. I think it is better to use it intravenously. I'm not willing to try that.
I did do oxygenation therapy as well. I guess I could try that again. That is one that I just did not give enough time to. I have a generator that produces ozone in water. Thanks for the reminder.