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haha-The NYT's?
  Views: 778
Published: 17 y
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haha-The NYT's?

You soooo don't get it. But I get you.

Anyone imbecilic enough to tout the New York slimes as a legitimate news source is a total fruitcake.

Sir, you have the credibility of a nitwit and you need to have your head examined.

You beg to be called something other than a liberal but I fail to see why.

You proudly carry the liberal banner at this forum but like someone with a mental disorder you fail to see you are a waterboy and another useful idiot for the left.

Sourcing the NY slimes is a perfect example.

From now on you are still a apologist for the socialists. You speak eloquently at times but you are confused and can no longer hide nor disassociate from your liberal bloodline. It's in your DNA no matter what you say.



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