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Re: The Roots of Iodophobia~ sensational journalism.
"They" certainly know their DNA and know exactly what replacing
Iodine with fluoride does, from:
The Fluoride Factor The Fluoride Disaster
Today, we know that the fluorine's rise in the body sets up the slow impact on melatonin levels that regulate sexual puberty and that the lowering of the age of sexual maturity of children is a direct effect from the rise of fluorine in the environment. We even know the strange aphrodisiac effects seen in workers exposed to fluorine gases of the uranium gas diffusion plant was a direct effect of melatonin antagonism. We also know the like effects on serotonin levels made for a work force that would not question, but do what they were told to the point of self injury from its long term toxic effects.
One can literally steer sexual urges and aggression by controlling metatonin and fluorine levels in the body. If one wants to lower sexual urges one takes melatonin as a supplement and then sleeps better at night and wakes with higher-level brain function in the morning. If one wants to enhance sexual urges then one consumes food and water with more fluorine concentration. The latter effect is happening to the majority of the population due to industry cover-ups and AMA corruption.
We can also see why the alternative health therapies work that involve things as simple as acupuncture, magnets, and minerals like zinc and selenium. Acupuncture uses needles made of the precious metals silver or gold typically. When these are inserted into the body around sites of inflammation and rotated or electrically driven, they give off metal ions into these local tissues. These metals interfere with the formation of the toxic Fluoride-metal compounds and form soluble complexes that remove fluorine from these tissues and the body. Similarly, the magnet therapies tend to collect the ferrous metals in the tissues, which don't form dangerous fluorine compounds and do form compounds that will enhance removal of fluorine from the tissues and body. Similarly, mineral supplements of zinc and selenium do the same. All these are very ancient methods that work, and even Egypt's Cleopatra used the magnet methods in her time.
Those that truly understand the messages of Jesus would have to note that his message is about "Health Care" by prevention and not the "Illness Care" methods of today that have gone wild due to the suppression of toxic effects on the world population. Jesus was an Environmentalist of his times and he spoke against the deceptive war methods of Moses' God using fluoride alchemical chemical warfare. This is the message shown in the icon imagery of Mary standing on the Snake with an apple in its mouth to control the levels of poisons getting into the human food chain. It is the story of putting only good things into the body and treating it as a temple.
Science of fluorine is literally so pontifical that it is the divine gatekeeper between what are the concepts of Heaven and Hell for Humans on this planet. This is how powerful the study of the full issues of fluorine relates. Fluorine gets into the inner circle of the secrets of religion, and the flaws in the interpretations of religion. This is how fluorine comes to play such an instrumental role in the Revelations message of Jesus from the Biblical narratives.