Horrible reaction & extreme sensitivity following liver flush, continues 9 days later
Hi all,
I am very desperate for some help here. I did my 6th liver/gallbladder flush about 9 days ago. Previously I had gotten a lot of stones out, and some real big ones. But this time not so many, but some. But just not the BOOM! STONES! That the previous delivered. It had been 3 weeks since my last flush, which I thought might be part of the problem, but I read that 2-4 weeks between flushes is fine, so not sure there. After the previous flushes I can normally have some headaches while toxins clear. 1-2 days MAX. This flush the headaches were very severe and did not pass like the previous times. I should also note that 6 days after the flush I had a gallbladder attack which has made things even worse (did a stone get stuck in a duct?). The attack passed though, but the horrible symptoms persist.
Basically ever since the flush and attack, I have had near constant headaches, nausea, emotional disturbances (irritably, anxiety, depression, sadness), and __EXTREME__ sensitivity to all toxins. By toxins I mean: car exhaust, perfume/smells in general, as well as not being able to tolerate any sort of pill be it ibuprofen for the headaches or even vitamins (!!), and inability to tolerate even a sip of alcohol. If I take ibuprofen, vitamins, alcohol, etc, I get all the symptoms I listed above, quickly and extremely amplified (to a point that I have never known). The feeling /reaction is indescribably horrible. Essentially I feel like COMPLETE GARBAGE despite drinking as much water as humanly possible.
And I should also note that on top of all this, these thigns happened just before my flight to Thailand, which is where I am writing this from now. The gallbladder attack actually happened on the plane!! It was the worst, most difficult experience of my life.
So as you can imagine, I am VERY desperate for a way to feel better here. I went to a retreat place here and did a castor oil pack on the liver/abdomen last night. It appeared to help a very minute bit, i at least felt a tiny bit better while the pack was being applied. But 1 day later, the EXTREME sensitivity to just about everything under the sun persists. I also tried sitting in the sauna as the hotel I am in has one. Prior to this i used to love saunas, and be able to go several rounds in them for a couple of hours. But this time i barely lasted 15 min before all symptoms above were amplified and i felt horrible. I also saw my acupuncturist before I left for the trip, and am taking some herbs he gave me, but they don't appear to be helping.
I'll be honest with you: at this point not only am i horrified that all this is happening while I am alone in another country, but I am also very scared. I feel like something could have gone wrong, as I am just not improving whatsoever.
At this point I just dont know what to do. I keep thinking "this will pass" but it just simply not passing. I keep going to bed hoping that I will feel better the next day, and I just dont. I thought of getting a colonic, or colonics, but in my previous experience, those free up a lot of toxins too, and my liver is already overloaded enough. If I couldn't deal with the sauna, I am sure the
colonic would be too much.
My acupuncturist says what I am experiencing is liver congestion, which i guess makes sense. I just dont realize how so long later I can still be so horribly sensitive and reactionary. My liver has been congested before, but never, EVER anything like this. Couple days later i feel fine. Now its 9 days later and i feel worse than i have ever felt.
I should also point out that prior to this last flush, I was feeling GREAT. Better than I have ever felt. The previous flushes as well as removing stressors, toxins, etc form my life has produced some radical health shifts for the better. That's why i am so perplexed how I can go from that to SOOOOOO jacked in such an instant.
PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM VERY DESPERATE!!! Anything anyone has to say is greatly appreciated!!!!
Thank you!