I just found out today that Lamasil is advisable for my case, I,like you, have not done anything foolish or ever been on drugs and only drink occassionaly. I just have half a toenail that is infected for about 1 1/2 years. The doctor told me though, that my socks and possibly my shoes could also have the spores in them and may be a good idea to get rid of the socks anyway. Did you have to do this or does anyone out there know if these spores, which I am told are commonly found in our enviornment, are apt to re-infect one after the treatment has been successful? Also, is there anything to put into ones shoes which could kill the spores? My infection came after I severly injured my toenail. The liver thing does sound scarry, and my doctor said there would really be no way to tell if you are having a problem until it happens. Thank you.