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Re: Order of cleansing - Protocol question
knows Views: 1,521
Published: 17 y
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Re: Order of cleansing - Protocol question

Just make sure the bugs stay gone and keep the liver open and eat the good foods, daily oils and distilled water.

Most of the blood cleaning, lymphatic cleaning and cellular cleaning happen without much help. The only requirment is keep the good foods going in.

It's "natural", "normal" to be healthy. Once the bugs are gone and the plumbing cleaned up the rest happens without much difficulty. It's like opening up the kitchen sink.

Experiment with your diet to see what your body works best with. Eat what makes you stronger and gives you more endurance the next day. The vegetarian way seems to be more for cleaning and not really building.

But once the bugs are gone, the liver on line, and the colon nice and clean, eat the good stuff. It takes a bit of experimenting but that's fun too. Eventually it becomes and "innate" thing. You'll get cravings for this or that and this time you'll trust that it's the right thing to eat.



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