Moody to Murtha - What a jagoff (NoBama Backer)
I proudly hail from western Pennsylvania, a beautiful part of the United States. John Murtha, the Democratic congressman from Johnstown, Pa., just said something unforgivable about my home. He said, “There is no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area.”
The congressman was sliming his neighbors, and me, because he thinks Barack Obama would be even further ahead in Pennsylvania were it not for racial bias on the part of the state’s residents. Obama leads by 13 percent according to
I’m sure there are racists in Pennsylvania. They probably exist in all 50 states. Further, there are probably some who discriminate against others whose skin color is not like theirs in Harlem, south central LA, and downtown Philadelphia.
Congressman Murtha served his country honorably in the military; I did not. So I was hesitant to criticize him earlier when he maligned our troops in Iraq. But I’m just as much a Pennsylvanian as he is. And for making such ugly comments about a wonderful part of the country, he can go to hell. I don’t mean to be ungracious, but he started it.
We have a name for people like Jack Murtha: jagoff.