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Re: for doc b complex?
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Re: for doc b complex?

Gets confusing...

First, have you purged your live via a liver flush???

If the liver is on line the chemicals exit pretty fast. It doesn't matter if the chemicals are from drugs or synthetic vitamins. Most of the synthetics pass through the kidneys, thus the brightly colored urine. But any residue left behind will purge if the liver is on line and fully functional.

That's the idea behind all the good food. The good food nourishes the cells who then kick out the poisons. If your liver is healthy it's a done deal, the body will be healthy. If the liver is congested the chemicals can't get out then you have a problem.

But yeah, if your liver is healthy and fully on line all that great food will eliminate the poisons. That's the idea.

Wildcrafted means they find it in the wild or duplicate wild conditions where its grown. Those are generally the best herbs.



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