Guilt By Association, McCain style
Since the right-wing retards on this forum and elsewhere are all hot and bothered about Obama's so-called "associations" with William Ayers and other pinkie commie bastards, I wonder how they will feel about this: it seems that the head of John McCain's presidential transition team, William Timmons, "aided an influence effort on behalf of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to ease international sanctions against his regime." Not only that, but "the two lobbyists who Timmons worked closely with over a five year period on the lobbying campaign later either pleaded guilty to or were convicted of federal criminal charges that they had acted as unregistered agents of Saddam Hussein's government."
Full story:
Other questionable McCain associations:
- Charles Keating, chairman of Lincoln Savings and Loan, which collapsed in 1989, at a cost of over $3 billion to the federal government. McCain, who interceded with federal regulators on Keating's behalf, accepted numerous campaign contributions from Keating, and McCain's wife invested ina shopping center owned by Keating.
- Richard Quinn, long-time head of the racist Southern Partisan Quarterly Review.
- Pastor John Hagee, who, among other things, has made hateful remarks about Catholics, and said that Hitler was performing "God's Will" when he killed six million jews in the holocaust.
- John Singlaub, who was involved in Iran-Contra, as well as The U.S. Council for World Freedom, part of an international organization linked to former Nazi collaborators and ultra-right-wing death squads in Central America, and which McCain was "associated" with.
James B. Fowler, a former Alabama state trooper charged with the murder of a man at the height of the civil rights movement.
How well do we know John McCain, anyway?