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Detox it OK?
mooney Views: 2,323
Published: 17 y

Detox it OK?

Doc is it OK to drink detox tea? It has Marigold, Cleavers, Nettle, Dandelion and gainger in it? I am asking cos I know form reading your book and post that you need to stay away from what heals on a cellular level until things are cleaned out a just thought I would check.

I still have very very pale stools, that will not flush since doing the Liver flush on Saterday. At first I wondered if it was just the olive oil and that because I have no bile getting through my stool content is full of fat, that it cannot digest and I think that probably was the case but now I wonder if I had a fatty liver and some of it is draining off could that be possible or am I talking Poo?(well I am but you know what I mean). I have just done a coffee enema...I haven't done one of these in a long time and I know that it is not part of the protocol but I was just feeling so congested. Since I did it about an hour ago, lots of bubbling in the liver area, still no stone or parasites. I have just made a lovely carrot, apple, lemon and pineapple juice, cos I know from doing the Gerson therapy a while ago that you need to drink carrot juice if you ar doing coffee enemas, something to do with electro...things.

Anyway I hope that I am feeling better soon cos I use to be a person that was full of life and now I have so much brain fog and fartigue...that I am doing things Like finding my keys in the fridge.

Best Thoughts Moonie


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