17 y
Re: You think that is something . . .
"I heard that Obama once had a locker in college only two lockers away from a gay student, and once or twice even rubbed elbows with him!"
The truth is Obama does have or did have two gay lovers one was bought and paid for with drugs the other is mysteriously dead!
"Not only that, his cousin's postman had a niece who once read a book by Karl Marx!"
Truth is Obama was stewed in communist dogma since childhood and has sought out throughout his career other communist sympathizers!
"And there are reports that Obama once used a urinal which was later found to have graffiti on the wall above it saying "Whitey must die"!"
Obama's racism is well understood, his whole persona his upbringing and his association with black liberation theology and the Trinity church whose main goal is to attack the white man on all fronts!
"And his neighbor two doors down and across the alley once sat two tables away from a man whose uncle had a cousin in the Black Panthers!"
Fact is Obama has received large sums of monies from the creator of the Black Panthers which of course are affiliated to Obama through their similar goals , the ten planks of communism!
"So there you have it - proof positive that Obama is a gay white hating marxist militant!"
Yes I totally and completely agree!