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Nay, I did not.
Savagegrace Views: 2,139
Published: 17 y
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Nay, I did not.

Had I been there I would have seen your arms full and offered to help.

While you say your story is somewhat fictional I'll give you a heads up.

Always look directly at the man, wait for eye contact, move your eyes to what you're interested in him seeing with a small nod of the head.

Most men will enjoy "jumping to the conclusion" of what you want.

And move to help.

If not, when his eyes come back to yours, state what you want him to do, add please.

That's it.

(most women talk to or look at a wall, rather than the man, allowing the man to ignore them)

Practice this and have the expectation they will do what you're asking.

The majority of men are taught by women.

It is women who continue this nonsense by catering to their young boys by stating, "Well, that's the way boys are".

You can teach boys to be aware and helpful.

But guess what?

Women don't like that.

If you read the psychology of PUA's (pick up artists).

You'll find women don't think much of men who are "helpful" or who "cater" to them.

(Yes, it's dependent on where the woman is, in her life)

But very true I'm afraid.

In fact, it's called "shit testing".

In most instances if a woman asks a man to buy her a drink and he does, he's seen as someone she's no longer interested in. He's "needy".

When women become aware they are part of the problem, things may change.

For myself, the only time I've been jealous is thinking about the connection women have.




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