17 y
The Shallow Response just Proves the Point...
Seems you are living in the past. Maybe because you just don't get it? or by design?
Acorn is being investigated in a dozen states. Acorn menmbers have been collecting homeless people and shoveling them into voting booths and telling them to vote for the Messiah. Acorn sat on the lawns of bankers and demonstrated in bank lobbies in efforts to brow beat them into making bad loans. Its in every media site on the planet that is responsibly reporting the news.
B Hussein worked for them and funded them. No connection I suppose? just a coincidence? Your emotionally driven limbic stem is insufficient to grasp the meaning of this. So please no need to respond. Connecting the dots requires a slightly higher IQ. Fish oil is good for IQ (but too late for that).
The Wall Street Urinal piece is rather stale by now and irrelevant. So why not keep up with the present moment and stop obfuscating with relics of the news?
The piece that was referenced was the one posted by yellowbirdmom still sitting on this page. Why not take some B vitamins? you hypoglycemic maybe?
Next you managed to skirt around everything else at the start of this thread and now you are satisfied with a limp ejaculation citing news snippets from the Urinal?
Typical of the left. They scrawl out a little bit of graffitti and now this gets them so puffed up? just like the man-child.
You just skipped over the post with displaced aggression and thought you had a winner. Sorry-not good enough. Your shallow response proves the point admirably.
You're another empty suit. No substance. Lots of fluff and bravado- but nothing rational or direct. Just an oblique reference to a stale piece of old news. Short attention spans are typical. Sorry this post was so long. It must be very taxing for you.
Better luck next lifetime. If you can get past becoming space dust.