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Re: New to CS
Jimsgirl Views: 2,977
Published: 17 y
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Re: New to CS

I don't have the money for these things at the moment.
the tooth brush- I googled and is between $60-120, the Beck magnetic pulser was also around $120, not sure what it does,do you use it with the toothbrush? The silver puppy is $120.00, approx, maybe more.
My thinking was that the cs would trickle down through the gap in my gums!! which I probably have. I thought that some of these cures worked internally, or maybe I mean holistically, or through the bloodstream or somehow they get to the problem? I was just guessing that's how things worked didn't think about the issue you raised. Probably that is why nothing has worked for this.
Also, are there certain strengths of cs? I was just going to buy the 8oz btl of cs on the website Luella mentioned.
Thank you.


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