16 y
Re: Question for 64643
no, haven't taken anything internally that i haven't taken before.
Because i've seen the success with Urea and Hydrogen peroxide on my lips, i want to duplicate that effect in my body. Hydrogen peroxide is a disinfectant, oxidizer and antiseptic. It's been used to clear up peoples psoriasis. You posted about glutathione, i want to try that and see what effect it has on my body. Also i read that endotoxins in the intestines cause inflammation. So i might purchase lactoferrin supplements, because they rid the body of endotoxins. Possibly i want to see the effect on my body, of increased urea... but i have to look into that more.
I have been using otex for a month and explained when it first started it was similar to EC, then i attempted to peel and i couldn't, then the skin began to shed by itself and not grow back but it still regenerate slowly, like a normal persons lip and getting stronger. Has anyone attempted to peel areas of the lips? i haven't been raw in a month.