Mr Bean Parkinson's Cure
Parkinson's Disease
DIET: Seafood, raw egg yolk, lactic-acid-fermented food. Minimum of cooked food, but plenty of sprouted seeds and raw vegetables (finely grated, often with gelatine): green beans, carrots, beetroot and beet tops, cabbage, green peas (fresh, not canned or frozen), salsify, spinach. If vegetables are cooked, use the cooking water. Use organically grown foods if possible. Avoid or minimise problem foods, especially gluten and cows' milk products, salt, meat, fatty food, margarine, polyunsaturated and heated oils,
food additives , including aspartame. Allergy testing. Avoid exposure to aluminium and heavy metals, especially copper, lead, mercury, and iron. Fresh-vegetable juices with plenty of grass juice before meals; frequent cleanses on such juice, possibly also on fruits. Use food appropriate for your blood group and metabolic type.
SUPPLEMENTS: High doses of all vitamins, especially antioxidants and B1, B6 (not together with levodopa), B12 injections, natural E 1000 IU as tablets. Vitamin C: about 10 g of ascorbic acid per day, partly neutralized with magnesium oxide or carbonate and potassium bicarbonate. In all close to 1000 mg of magnesium. Selenium, zinc as chelate and orotate, chromium and manganese (300 mg of chelate), all in divided doses. Digestive enzymes, pycnogenol or grape seed extract, lecithin, fish oil and ground linseed, evening-primrose oil, kelp, MSM, pollen, spirulina, royal jelly, glutamine tyrosine, acidophilus and bifido culture. Herbs: combination of fo-ti-tieng, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, gotu kola, licorice, pau d'arco, sage, and skullcap.
ADDITIONAL THERAPY: Strengthening of all organs and glands with all the methods described in this book. Spinal tapping, spinal corrections, rejuvenation exercises, tensing and breathing exercises, body-mind exercises. Regression to discover and release hidden fear, imagine reacting appropriately in situations of panic, emotional-release and mind-control methods. Intentional exaggerated shaking exercises with vigorous breathing. Remove any dead teeth, replace
Amalgam fillings. Withdraw levodopa every evening and re-introduce as late as possible the next morning. See ?The Love Cure? and learn to lead energy up the spine. See also the article on Parkinson's Disease in this section.