Maybe this will help you. The transit time for food thru the colon shouldn't be much over 24 hours on the average if the colon is working right. I think Doc posted a time equivalent or close to this for the normal time it takes food to pass.
Here's my experience with seeing stones after a flush: Most times I saw stones within a half hour after a flush until I got quite a few months into the program. They came out with some of the oil. My body did digest a lot of the EVOO. I had so many stones, stuff that looked like clay that was drug debris, liver flukes and other bug debris that I chose to do a coffee enema pre and post a liver flush. I know it is not part of the Natural Healing Paradigm protocol. It is part of the Gerson therapy. I chose to do them because they not only seemed to open up the liver and allow stuff to loosen up in the liver and pass out the bile duct, but they also seemed to clear my digestive tract of a lot of stones and junk. This enema is not a high enema, it is just used in the lower bowel and is like a retention enema. It did seem to stimulate the lower digestive system. Anyway, the stones seemed to have a greasy consistency for the most part, and passed quite easily. This happened with a very dirty colon, too. I did the major part of the colon clease at the last of this program when most of the stones and junk were out of my liver.