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An open letter to Mankind, Sr. Rayburne W. Goen, MD, FACP, FACC.
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An open letter to Mankind, Sr. Rayburne W. Goen, MD, FACP, FACC.

A MUST READ about the new paradigm of Glyconutrients:


Sr. Rayburne W. Goen, MD, FACP, FACC (BA and MD degrees (1939) University of Colorado: (Phi Beta Kappa, and Alpha Omega Alpha, Honor Medical Society). Lt. Col. Medical Corps. Army of US, WW II; Diplomat American Board of Internal Medicine; Fellow American College of Physicians (FACP); Fellow American of College Cardiology (FACC); Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, Tulsa; Past Chairman Medical Section, St John Medical Center and of St. Francis Hospital; past Vice-President Medical Staff St. John Hospital; past President Medical Staff St. Francis Hospital).


Start of letter

An open letter from: Rayburne W. Goen, MD,FACP,FACC, Tulsa OK 744136-4502 

Carbohydrates have always been considered as "energy food", but it was not until 1994 that it was discovered, and in 1996 proven and recognized in Harper's Biochemistry Textbook, that there are 8 monosaccharides (super carbs), that are essential to maintaining good health. I believe this will go down in history as the most significant health discovery of the century!
It will rank with, or above, the discovery of the essential amino acids (protein building blocks); the vitamins and trace minerals; the essential fatty acids; penicillin, cortisone, and chlorthiazide, (the first effective blood pressure drug)!

Note that all but the last 3 are nutritional discoveries. The eight glyco-nutrients, (sugar-nutrients), the essential monosaccharides, combine with proteins to form glycoproteins on the surface of every one of the trillions of cells in the body.

We know them as communication agents: either senders or receptors. They constitute the operating system for all cell function! The "microsoft windows" of every cell for the immune system which must communicate to function well - or we become sick. Cell function is: cell repair; cell defense, cell nutrition, cell recognition, hormonal regulation and disposal of worn-out and "alien" cells. What is amazing is that one little sugar molecule, misprinted or omitted by damage from virus, bacterial infection, fungi, pollutants, toxins, stress or gene defect, can make as much difference as if you telephoned 1-918-492-023, omitting the last number. It would not transmit. Important? Yes!

Do you realize, for example, that human blood types differ in only one small detail? Galactose is the terminal "address" on the glycoprotein on the surface of the Type B red blood cell: N-Acetylgalactosamine on the Type A. Transfusing a Type A patient with Type B blood (or vice versa) results in a very acute immune-type reaction: death!

What is the significance of this? Only 2 of these essential monosaccharides, 1) Glucose, from sweet foods and carbohydrates, and 2)Galactose, from dairy products, are found in our diet today! Why?? Because, during the past 25 years, our food supply has changed from home gardens or local truck farms, with tree or vine-ripened fruits and vegetables, to industrialization. Now almost all fruits and vegetables come from large commercial farms.

The soil on these farms is depleted of nutrients and minerals. The soil is sprayed with toxic chemicals to kill weeds and insects, fertilized with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous which still makes plants grow, but which lack more than 50 essential trace minerals.

To make matters worse, produce is harvested green, so it can withstand shipment across the country or ocean. Because the produce is not allowed to ripen before being harvested, our fruits and vegetables do not have all of the phytochemicals that the American Cancer Society says are so important in building our immune systems. We further deplete our grains, the source of
some essential "super carbs" by hulling and removing the germinal portions of wheat, rice and oats, etc.

The result of all of this is that six of the 8 essential monosaccharides are no longer in our diet! We further deteriorate our foods by processing methods, preservatives and over-cooking. Fortunately, our body can make the missing six super carbs by a complicated energy-consuming process using fifteen or more reactions, each requiring a specific enzyme, but only if
everything is working perfectly! Obviously, everything is not always working perfectly or there would be no health problems!

The Natural Killer cells, a type of lymphocyte recognizable in the blood, which are the first line of defense against infections, toxins and cancer, have been reduced 25% in the average "well" American in the past 15 years. Why? Partly because there are now 300 to 400 new chemicals, which the body recognizes as toxins, in every cell of our body that were not even in existence before 1948. That explains why, in the past 20 to 30 years, as nutrients in our diets have decreased, and toxins in our air, food and water have increased, that our body's defense system has begun to malfunction. This is evident in the increasing incidence of disease and cancer. The
following are the 1997 statistics on the major cases of death in the U.S.

1. Cardiovascular (Heart and blood vessel disease). The cause of 50% of all deaths. Also now considered as a possible complication of remote chlamydia, or coxsackie or herpes virus infection, with subsequent autoimmune dysfunction.

2. Cancer increased from #8 killer in 1973 to #2 in 1997 responsible for 30% of all deaths - and predicted to be #1 within the next ten years. This is a result of a failure in the immune system to recognize and destroy mutated cells which then multiply and "take over".

3. Diabetes 12% - and gaining. An autoimmune disorder in Type 1 destroys cells that product insulin, and an immune dysfunction in Type 2. Some receptors do not recognize insulin that is necessary to admit glucose into the cells.

4. Adverse reaction to properly prescribed Pharmaceutical drugs! 106,000 recorded hospital deaths in 1997. This number does not include wrongly prescribed dosages or errors, deaths outside of the hospital, or suicides. Put this in context of 12,000 deaths by auto accident involving alcohol the same year!

Finally, it has been proven that oral administration of these 8 glyconutrients, (super carbs) that are totally non-toxic in any amount, do not interfere with bodily functions like drugs do, and result in restoration of the cell's ability to communicate its needs, so that the body can defend,
regulate, nourish, repair and cleanse itself as nature intended.

Human mother's milk contains at least five of these essential monosaccharides. No other animal's milk contains these. Breast feeding of infants confers life-long benefits, which no substitute or formula can match!

This discovery is not a medicine that is prescribed for treating a disease state, but rather a supplement of vitally necessary monosaccharides that are missing in our diet today. When provided orally, it allows the body to heal itself!

The disorders that have been shown in reports or published articles in medical and scientific journals to be benefited or restored to normal health, without interfering with appropriate drug therapy as indicated are: Asthma, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Lupus, Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Syndrome, Diabetes, Diabetic Retinopathy, Macular Degeneration, Cancer,
Ulcerative Colitis, Chron's Disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinsonism, AIDS, Pemphigus and a whole host of other immune-dysfunction diseases.

What was amazing to me was the dramatic response of Lupus patients to these glyconutrients. Lupus is a disease from an overactive immune system, where the immune system actually attacks its own body cells. On the other hand, I have seen glyconutrients dramatically increase the low immune function as in AIDS or Cancer. This is called "modulation", reducing the too-high and elevating the too-low, as in many diseases which exhibit both types of dysfunction. Doctors have never seen this before or even thought it was possible. Research is taking place in many clinical trials that are being reported in peer-reviewed journals and publications.

Enough of "micro nutrient biology". I must also mention the multiplying antibiotic resistance we are now seeing. Our most powerful drugs are no longer effective against infections of many organisms. In addition, there are "new" viruses and microorganisms surfacing for which we have no effective antibiotic.

For years I have felt helpless and frustrated when patients came to me for advice and relief of their pain and suffering. I was unable to prescribe a safe drug that would relieve or cure them. I, as a Doctor, trusted in the axiom "for every disease a cure." I have never seen anything so awesome as now. Supplying these nutrients orally has enabled the body to heal itself of many diseases previously thought to be incurable.

I urge you to look seriously at this discovery. M****tech, Inc. is the only source of an oral form of these eight monosaccharides. (Patent Pending). M****tech's science and research labs are second to none in the field of pharmaceutical grade nutrients. There are many peer-reviewed studies available at . There are now thousands of scientific articles documenting the validity of this discovery in medical journals. You owe it to yourself and to your family to see what is available to you for protecting your health in a very unhealthy world.

To your Health, Happiness and Good fortune.
Rayburne W. Goen MD,FACP,FACC

End of letter



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