It is entirely possible that your friend with Parkinson's had some other toxins that his body needed to kick off so that it could be balanced. That may be why the tremors increased. The ganoderma powder in DXN capsules is microfinely ground and even the spores in the powder have been "cracked" for easy absorbtion into the bloodstream. Like I said, your friend may have had other toxins in his system that needed to be flushed out.
If anyone wishes further information regarding Ganotherapy (what to expect when taking ganoderma) you should read Dr. Lim Siow Jin's excellent and informational booklet - it is available at this direct link: - Note that it is a .pdf file format and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Acrobat reader is bundled with most browsers as a plugin however if you do not have it you can get it as a free download at