help in troubled times from a buddhist
their is a crisis unfolding and a stealth war on humanity being played out through fear and misinformation. you may trust my words as a sage in ancient times, for i have seen the truth, felt it and known it, and am both taoist and buddhist- i have trained my mind and alleviated the suffering i once caused and exacerbated in my life, now i wish to help all humanity. i do not wish normally to get involved with the meaning of suffering or sin but we as a people are being played against each other. dissolve the borders of countries and the barriers in your mind. do not be led by fear or hate. do not hate police, soldiers, pilots- of any nation. do away with those labels of english, irish, american, iraqi, australian, russian. we all possess the ability of inherent goodness, and it is everywhere, perhaps the guiding mystic principle of our universe. unconditional love and understanding must prevail, and we must do away with the value of things, and live from the land, relying on the good of strangers and neighbours as we still do in early life so much and also later life when we are frail also. it is the only way for peace.
perhaps then we should not debate "ron paul" "mccain" "bush" "stock market" "dollar value" because we get lost in our ego desire for knowledge and it is very true, the more we learn the less we truly know. get rid of all this conditioned elaborate scheme of politics and see things truly as they are without imposing your views and judgement on them. live more in harmony with the ancient mystic order of things, that had us living happy long lives free from diseases of today. we are not so frail that we inherently require vaccines and such. there is a chemical and media based dumbing down of society. but if i can awake to it, two can awake to it.
if two may awake to it, and the true nature of things, and see that in war we are all brothers and sisters fighting through lack of understanding, misperception, misinformation and the view that they are different from us, then everyone can awaken.
the soldier must not see his wage, for he will miss the suffering he partakes in.
the worker must not see the fruits of his labor, the car of the latest phone, he will be blind to the negatives that such modern things bring him
the average person must not see the figureheads of politics but the way of things around him, and must trust in kindness and goodness itself.
be kind to those who are kind, and those who are not kind.
inherent goodness is the only way, unconditional love the foundation of peace, forever.
change your mind, enjoy the aspects of your life you still do. but awake to how you are led by attachments and modern fake practices. stop thinking you are evolved above anyone that came before us. 20% of america is on anti depressants, cancer rates go through the roof. something is very wrong. question just how advanced we really are.
our morality, our spiritual root is gone. we only follow the pull of the ego, brainwashing, and stimulants, and this is true of most people. do not condemn them either. wish for love. its capacity is infinite and INEXHAUSTIBLE.
things will realign
tyranny will not endure, since rigid and stiff is the company of death.
a flexible and easy going, simple, peaceful way of life still can exist.
you must reduce your attachment to social status though, and pride.
what would it mean to throw away your most treasured possesions?