Re: HELP!! More Pain then before
One night I took hydrocodone which I had gotten for an emergency from my M.D. but was advised
not to use it because I would only cover up the symptoms. But it was bad and helped after about an hour I slept.
Somebody wrote about Demerol.
Most bad symptoms seem to go away after 1/2 hour for me. I take two ibuprofen. Lately, using just 3 Tbsp of
olive oil+lemon to unstuck stones, not to flush, has helped. Warm water bottle on the hot side but not burning
your skin feels good to me. Best: 1/2 dose of epsom, then after 2h 3 Tbsp oil with lemon.
Hot bath seems to relax some people. Curcuma and coptis are supposed to be good for getting flow going.
So is barberry tincture. Both had not too much of an effect for me.
I am in the progress of doing my third flush...
I wish you good luck to find something that helps. Try to relax if possible and visualize the blockage opening.
My atttacks have become more bearable since I do not panic as much as I did with the first few.