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To #94312-Follow Up from Below
  Views: 1,258
Published: 17 y

To #94312-Follow Up from Below

It's a well known fact that low level thinkers don't actually use the cerebral cortex very well. A sure sign of sub optimal brain function is a bumper sticker mentality such as repeating simple phrases such as 'Bush Lied' or nonsense like 'Change'.

It takes depth to be able to actually debate something. Liberals tend to avoid direct responses. It's too logical for them. It requires some real thinking. This explains why McCain so handily trounced the liberal guy.

Conservatives generally do not smear the rear ends of their cars with endless simplistic bumper stickers. Yet liberals very often do. It's difficult for them to grasp concepts so they rely on blame, anger and finger pointing. It's easy to do when your discernment and intellectual levels are disabled so you must rely upon emotion to make a point.

When you cannot grasp a concept you resort to pictures to try and convey something. It does express a frustration that’s true, but more like the frustration of a two year old that cannot speak adequately or tie its own shoe laces.

Simplified slogans which 'supposebly' hold so much information are reflecting a sub-performing intellect. People that constantly rely on the copy/paste function or post pictures to make their points do not have sufficient brain power to actually type out an original thought that has some coherence. It's beyond their grasp.

Oh well...



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