V vindicated by Army Manual
Vulcanel has been vindicated by an Army
Survival Manual~~
Chapter 3~~use of condoms is useful
for storing water~!
Reading manuals like this US Army
Survival Manual will help you imagine
how you can bring together a kit and
some ideas of what you might need to
shelter in place, OR to leave.
My family used to keep 3 backpacks hung
in the garage ready with most of our camping
supplies without the personal stuff. We made
plans on meeting in the country at a cousin's
farm. We figured we would have to walk there
so already had that mindset.
Other considerations are something like
the Foxfire series. We have many if not
all of the books~~
Discovering your own needs will help
you prepare for them.
You are not alone in your feeling the need
to prepare for an uncertain future. You can
find lots of information and ideas by
googling "survival". I have found some neat
items which help simplify the topic on eBay.
Click in "survival" in their search engine.
Here is something I bought recently to help
me prepare~~