Re: starting water fast 2morrow- 9-26-08
I wish you luck too :)
I think many find it easier to ease into a
Water Fast by juice fasting and/ or raw foods before that, so if you are still having a hard time getting going, maybe that is an option. It will also help you detox a some before you fast so maybe your symptoms while fasting will be lessened.
For myself, I started about by trying to replace two meals a day with water to get used to the idea. That did help some.
Right now I am on my longest run yet and I think the shorter fasts I did helped immensely. I also feel like it is important to put in a journal your feelings physically and emotionally as you go through your fast. For me, it helps me identify what was going on in my mind as I was craving something.
I am an emotional eater too, I just have to remind myself that there will still be food around when I am done with my fast.
Again, good luck with your journey, I am sure you will do great Remember, just making your plan to create your change is a success. Don't be down on yourself if you don't make it as long as you want at first. :)