16 y
Please help me! I'm over and have fear of dieing.
Prehistory: I have suffered from Asthma since I was 12 years old and my doctor took me on Berudual, a bromid containing Asthma-medication. I took this over 10 years now and my health get always worsened over the years I took this medication. My Asthma also got more worse.
Now I tried
Iodine and first it was the best think I had ever tried. My mood became on very high levels, I can better see and better hear, my sexual orgasmus is very intensive... Of course I had a few side effects in the beginning, head and leg ache, symptoms like a beginning flu and so on. But now, after taking
Iodine for 2 Weeks I got a very deeply
Depression :( I'm all day long laying in bed crying so loudly, that my neighbours hear it and called me to ask if everything is ok. I burst out crying when I'm thinking on my girlfriend, who I had left for a few months and I don't know why I'm crying, I had forget she already but know I have strong feelings for her and I don't know what to do now.
My self-confidence is nearly zero. I have a steady feeling of inner coldness and I'm feeling so social insulated. :( :( :(
Of course I'm taking the salt loading but not so often.
Do I have heavy bromid-stores due the 10 years use of my asthma medication ?
And is this
Depression a symptom of detox ?
Thank you of any answer.