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Re: Die-off effects after colon cleanse? (spine and detox)
When it rains it pours. The neck reflexes with anything digestive. That you are getting that serious pain there would indicate a structural problem or to continue up to the liver and start getting that back on line.
It sounds to me like a structural problem. The nerves that come out of the upper cervical spine go back into the face, including the eyes.
What I see when the liver or any part of the digestive system is compromised is a stiffening up of the cervical spine. Not really a lot of pain it just doesn't move normally. All locked up. So that might be the case here. Those nerves DO go up into the head causing all kinds of sinus conditions, ear infections, eye infections, headaches, etc.
Or, you might not be done with the colon. So it looks like you're going to have to try a few things to figure this out.
Get back on the colon cleanse and see what happens.
Of course I strongly suggest the antiparasite program and liver decongestion.
As far as die-off goes??? I don't buy it. I don't know who came up with that but once the parasites are dead the poisons STOP. The only die-off is the viruses that jump off the now dead parasite and they are easliy handled by the zapper. The viral symptoms are a scratchy throat, running nose and fever. Just like a cold. The poisons STOP when the parasite dies.
Detox may be a problem. With the colon clean and able to get nutrition to the body that will initiate the detoxing on a cellular level. If that happens and your liver is congested you have a problem and your liver nedes to be decongested. And I don't advise anyone do that until two weeks on Barefoots DeWormer.
Lots to consider. For now get back on the colon cleanse and see if that takes care of it. Hopefully all you'll need is a couple more weeks of that.