UC for long time and chemical treatment not a solution.
I am 26 years old; I have been diagnosed as UC for about 15 years ago. I have used different medicines like Asacole, Pentasa … etc along with Prednisolone during those years.
The longest “safe” period without any symptoms was for around one year and it came once, so usually I took one to two months without symptoms between time to time.
In the last year there were some things changed, my body couldn’t take any more Prednisolone and I have suffered from serious symptoms during the treatment. The same thing with Pentasa, my doctor discovered that I have allergy from and it affects my liver. As a result the chemical treatment is no longer work with me.
Here I have started to search by my self, I found Sheldon topic that talks about vitamin E enema and the diet. I have started the procedure:
1st day two vitamin E “400 IU” tablets with 1.5 tablespoon distilled water.
2nd day four vitamin E tablets with 1.5 tablespoon distilled water.
Until reaching eight vitamin E tablets.
Sheldon said that the changes start from here and the blood stopped.
In my case the blood increased and I am in the 10th day now and the symptoms increased.
“Please guys any one knows any remedy as I am suffering for more than 15 years now and the chemical medicines are no longer a solution.”
“I am in a shape now whatever I wrote I can’t describe it!”