Bactrim is one of the antibiotics that still causes MRSA to retreat. Sorry to say that MRSA will return over and over again regardless of which antibiotics are used including Vanco and Zyvox. (my opinion only). Zyvox costs $100 or more to use daily and from what I understand many have not had the results desired.
Garlic tinctures are no doubt going to help. When our family was fighting for our lives, I needed something much more powerful than a garlic tincture.
MRSA was literally eating us alive and we needed something to work fast for us.
I read the research links and spoke to the scientists in England at
and I was satisfied with the information enough to use Allimed.
We were desperate to survive and thankfully we made the right decision.
Here are the research links for you to look at:
Let me know what you think.
Thanks, BB