My Triglycerides down from 865 to 397 in only 2 months!
Triglycerides before 867 !!! (tested a couple of weeks after my fifth Liver Flush)
HDL (the good) was a sad 39...
Now Triglycerides are 397!! I know, still way too high, BUT it went down a whopping 468 points in only 2 months! My HDL is up only to 42, but that's 3 points!
I no longer have diabetic glucose levels, I went from 6.5 (diabetic), began Meformin meds for it, now 5.5 (non-diabetic). Now I no longer need to take it, but I will.
I refused to take Statin and Cholesterol Lowering drugs.
I didn't exercise any more than I usally did, just the same amount.
What I did naturally...
I radically changed my diet. I followed a very low carb, high protein, high fat diet, no milk, but LOTS of cheese) and of course lots of veggies, no fruit or juice, it is basically a diabetic diet, kind of like Atkins.
I also added 2,000 mg of fish oil to my already 2,000 mg of krill oil = 4,000 per day.
I added Polycosonal 20 mg per day also.
Who would of thought ADDING bad fat would lower my levels so drastically.
I believe it was eliminating the carbs.
I also lost about 15 pounds, now down to 145 at 5'4".
Hopefully, in 3 months I will report my Trig levels will be a healthy, normal <200, and AC1 level <5
Yippie :)