From: Dave Rose
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 18:20:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [parkinsons] QUESTION
I know how your Mom feels, Thank God after six years of misery I found the answer. I mentioned it to every Doctor I went to. One even did a doppler test., another had me try different creams.
These were my symptoms=== My feet would turn from snow white to purple in a matter of ten minutes. I couldn't stand covers touching them. Walking on a thick carpet. felt like walking on broken glass.they were numb. they would feel like ice and burn like fire at the same time.
Nothing I tried worked..
Then one day I talked to my brother in WV. He also had burning feet. suffered with it for years. His Mother- in - Law .also had it. Her Doctor told her it can be caused by a lack of Vitimin B-1.
B-1 is not stored in the body.
To make a long story short. I tried B-1 and I am about 90% cured.My Neurologist gave me a perscription for Nortriptline. I started them at the same time. My brother and his Mother-in-Law only took vitimin B 1. We all take multii vitimins
I cannot believe how many people suffer from this, and no one knows how to treat it.
God bless you and your Mom.
Verlie Rose
At 19:37 24.04.2002 +0000, you wrote:
>My mum suffers terrible burning feelings in the soles of her heels
>and has terrible time trying to sleep. She also is in constant pain.
>She takes Co-promal for the pain. They don't do much good. Has
>anybody got any ideas on what I can do to help.
> iris