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Parkinson's Disease
David Views: 1,659
Published: 23 y
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Parkinson's Disease

Dear Agnes & Dr. Schulze ,

I just lost my original letter as I tried the address that appears on the newsletters.

The colors of the web site are superior!

I have become familair with the work of Dr. Shulze from the University of Natural Healing.

Sadly, in spite of 4 years of clean allopathic check-ups my Father recently became symptomatic with blood in his stool and died of colorectal cancer within two months.

I've been urging the autorities to pursue this link for at least 8 years but have been rebuffed: "No link."

Finally, a current article by Dr. Abbott in the Annals of Internal Medicine found a correlation between a history of constipation and the development of Parkinson's Disease (PD).

I've requested information from him as to whether colon cancer also appeared within his study group at an excessive rate?

The same issue contained another related article by Dr. Lewis who used a marvelous phrase "asymptomatic window" of opportunity to detect the diseases early on and intervene.

We can act on the basis of constipation.

However, is there any reliable test to indicate that there is something seriously wrong? Human beings seem to habitually fail to act until it is too late!

I've heard of test papers (even toilet paper) as well as GSDL. My Father's doctors "pooh-poohed" GSDL as giving too many false positives.

Their tests, including the "gold standard" colonoscopy, provided false negatives. Is that any better. Something is remiss here!

Thanking you in advance for your kind consideration.


David P. Ponsonby, M.Ed.
2249 Nob HIll
Carrollton, TX 75006
(972) 418-9029


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