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Dr Sutter You Are A Beautiful Person!!!
mooney Views: 965
Published: 17 y

Dr Sutter You Are A Beautiful Person!!!

Dr Sutter, I love you and you are a fantastic human being....I was having a horrible day and I am in so much pain and your act of kindness blew me away. Anyway if I do this programme and get better I will find a way to say thank you to you in person because I have always said that to myself, if any one could help me like that. I am a bit scared of starting cos I have just started a new job, its only 3 days a week which is as much as I can work but I am just suriving at the moment in bed cos I am so tired at 9pm so on and when I have done parastie cleanses in the past they have floored me. I have an importent thing coming up on 31/10/08 So I am thinking of waiting until afer then. I have started the Oregano Oil and Flaxseed Oil and I am eating really well cut out most dairy and wheat,tea, not much alcohol.

So once again THANK YOU Moonie....let you know how it goes


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